Thanksgiving is a great time to enjoy the outdoors and go camping

Thanksgiving is a great time to express gratitude and spend time with loved ones, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to take advantage of holiday sales and discounts to stock up on camping gear or find the perfect gifts for outdoor enthusiasts. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday are more traditionally associated with shopping, many retailers start their Thanksgiving Day sales early or offer online deals for those who prefer to shop from home. Here’s a list of camping gear you might consider looking for during Thanksgiving sales:


Tent: Make sure you have a sturdy and weather-resistant tent to protect you from the elements.

Sleeping Bag: Choose a sleeping bag suitable for the expected weather conditions, whether it’s a cold-weather bag or a lighter one for milder temperatures.

Sleeping Pad or Air Mattress: A comfortable sleeping pad or air mattress will help you get a good night’s sleep.

Camp Stove and Fuel: Cooking a warm Thanksgiving meal in the great outdoors is a tradition for many campers. Bring a portable camp stove and enough fuel for your meals.

Cookware: Pack pots, pans, and utensils for cooking your Thanksgiving feast.

Cooler: Keep your perishable Thanksgiving ingredients fresh in a well-insulated cooler.

Food and Water: Plan your Thanksgiving menu and bring all the necessary ingredients. Don’t forget to bring enough clean drinking water.

Clothing: Dress in layers and bring clothing suitable for the expected weather conditions, including warm clothes for chilly nights.

Footwear: Comfortable and durable hiking boots or shoes are essential for outdoor exploration.

Backpack: A backpack is handy for carrying your gear and supplies while you explore.

First Aid Kit: Always have a well-stocked first aid kit on hand for any unexpected accidents.

Headlamp/Flashlight: Essential for providing light during the dark evenings and for late-night trips to the restroom.

Navigation Tools: Maps, compass, and a GPS device to help you find your way in the wilderness.

Fire Starter: Ensure you can start a campfire safely with waterproof matches, a lighter, or fire starter.

Multi-tool or Knife: A versatile tool can be incredibly handy in various camping situations.

Camping Chairs: Comfortable seating for around the campfire or while enjoying your Thanksgiving meal.

Trash Bags: Leave no trace – bring trash bags to pack out all your garbage.

Entertainment: Consider bringing books, cards, or other entertainment for downtime.

Camera: Capture the beautiful Thanksgiving memories in the great outdoors.

Remember to check the specific requirements of your camping destination, as gear needs can vary based on location and weather conditions. Thanksgiving camping can be a wonderful way to connect with nature and enjoy a unique holiday experience.

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Post time: Nov-02-2023